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Brompton P Line in Emerald Green!

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  • By Ben Phillips
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Brompton P Line in Emerald Green!

Behold! The new Special Edition Emerald Green P Line. Get it while supplies last!

The moment that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived... Brompton has unveiled a new Special Edition color for the P Line: Emerald Lacquer! We've long been fans of their lacquer finishes like Flame Lacquer, Black Lacquer, and Raw Lacquer, and we're thrilled to see Brompton expanding their lacquer finishes on the P Line.



In the past, Brompton has charged an additional fee for premium lacquer colors, however, we're happy to see that the Emerald Lacquer P Line will be the same price as the original two colors; $2950.



We're ordering this bike in limited quantity, so get yours while supplies last! Click here to see what we have in-stock.



If you have any questions, please feel free to call or text at (312) 643-1670, email at [email protected], or pay us a visit at the shop! Thanks for reading, and see you in the bike lane!



Ben / J.C. Lind Bike Co.




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